
The Inspiration Behind the Candy Box

The Inspiration Behind the Candy Box

Just over two years ago I set out to create a unique product to serve as the perfect treat to send to campers. Teens are complicated beings. They have high energy levels, raging hormones and an immature prefrontal cortex. The perfect combo for bad decision making. While my focus was on putting something together that can excite I definitely wanted it to serve a purpose as well. After some thought I put together the all time favorite candy box. What's the goal of the candy box? We have gotten accustomed to mask our emotions in an effort to please everyone around. Even more we try not to burden or discomfort people in order to find appeal. Sometimes just being given the validation that you are going through many emotions and getting the freedom to be open about them can help in overcoming a challenge.

With a strong focus on emotional well being and a fun concept I was sure this would be a success. It sure was a success but just not in the way I expected. The candy box quickly became our #1 seller. It was gifted to people going through things covering all areas of life, from the engaged to be married, the just married as well as the recently divorced. From people going through a medical challenge to those suffering a loss. From pregnancy moods to baby blues and of course the just because. From little mishaps to major life stresses the candy box brightened the mood for many but it just wasn't enough to make it as a camp package.

The following year I went back to the drawing board. I still wanted to create something with intention. This is what I came up with. 

While I thought it was a sweet gesture I quickly learned I totally don't get todays teens. They are simply not so into the meaningful stuff just yet. 

This year when my daughter wanted to send something to her cousins away at camp I put my focus on what small things still talk to kids. I decided on sweets served with slang. This is how it turned out.

They liked it!!

 Free download



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